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 Technical Manual - PE/PX/PXL/TEV Series
2.Features of the “PORTALAC” Series
aPremium AGM
  • Absorbent glass mat (AGM) is a class of VRLA battery in which the electrolyte is absorbed into a mat of fine glass fibers. The plates in an AGM battery may be flat like a wet cell lead-acid battery in a rectangular case. In cylindrical AGMs, the plates are thin and wound, like most consumer disposable and rechargeable cells, into spirals so they are also sometimes referred to as spiral wound. Their unique (for lead-acid chemistries) construction also allows for the lead in their plates to be purer as they no longer need to support their own weight as in traditional cells. Their internal resistance is lower than traditional cells due to plate proximity and the pure lead plates have lower resistively, they handle higher temperatures better, and self-discharge more slowly.
    These batteries are often referred to as sealed lead-acid (SLA) batteries due to their non-leaking containers. Their specific power is very good and they can be charged and discharged quite rapidly.
    An AGM battery is a lead-acid electric storage battery that:
  • is sealed using special pressure valves and should never be opened.
  • is maintenance-free.*
  • has all of its electrolyte absorbed in separators consisting
    of a sponge-like mass of matted glass fibers.
  • uses a recombination reaction to prevent the escape of
    hydrogen and oxygen gases normally lost in a flooded
    lead-acid battery (particularly in deep cycle applications).
  • is non-spillable, and therefore can be operated in virtually
    any position. However, upside-down installation is not
    *Connections must be retorqued and the batteries should be cleaned periodically

aExcellent Service Life
Long product life of 6-8 years is achieved by using anticorrosive special alloys and a specially structured grid on the positive (+) plate. (0.25CA load, temperature at 25℃)
  • is sealed using special pressure valves and should never be opened.
  • is maintenance-free.*
  • has all of its electrolyte absorbed in separators consisting
    of a sponge-like mass of matted glass fibers.
  • uses a recombination reaction to prevent the escape of
    hydrogen and oxygen gases normally lost in a flooded
    lead-acid battery (particularly in deep cycle applications).
  • is non-spillable, and therefore can be operated in virtually
    any position. However, upside-down installation is not
    *Connections must be retorqued and the batteries should be cleaned periodically

aExcellent Capacity Retention

  • Self-discharge, which drain the electrical energy stored in the battery, has been significantly suppressed. The self-discharge rate when left in fully charged condition for six months (at 25℃) is approx. 18%.

aExcellentt Charging Efficiencyn

  • Using constant voltage in the charging method enables large amounts of current to flow during the initial charging stage. And as the charging process approaches completion, the charge current reduces automatically, enabling highly efficient charging.
    To avoid PCL (Premature Capacity Loss), please set the charging amount at 105% to 110% of the discharge amount.

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