It’s very convenient to choose the appropriate charging method according to the application and conditions to get full performance of the battery (current, time and temperature).
Inappropriate charging is not only leads to electrolyte reduction, but also rapidly damages the inner plates. You shall choose charging method carefully, since it can greatly affect battery life.
7.1 Constant Voltage Charger
For charging of “PORTALAC” Series, please use a temperature compensated constant voltage charger. When applying this charging method, the charging current initially is large and decreases towards the final stage of charging. For standard charger design, please refer to Table 5.
7.2 Rapid Charging Method
When using a constant voltage charging method for “PORTALAC” Series, it’s possible to charge rapidly by a using charger with safety devices. When applying a rapid charge, protective measures (temperature compensation circuit, temperature protecting devices etc) shall be used to prevent any insufficient charging at low temperature and over charging at high temperature.
Table 5 Constant Voltage Charging Specification of “PORTALAC” Series
Fig. 24 Temperature Compensation of Charging Voltage